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Submitted by: Daniel Mathew
Anxiety is a naturally alert state of mind that is created by your brain when it considers anything to be threatening to your happiness. Its about worrying in anticipation of something. You have already envisaged a potential situation as a reality in your anxious state and now are worrying about the negative consequence of it. So in that sense its very different from fear which is a reaction to a very real danger. Anxiety need not be a negative every time, in fact you will find that in many instances in your life because you were anxious about something, you ended up working as well as preparing harder, thus allowing you to taste success in your endeavor.
Sometimes however anxiety can seem overwhelming. You are so suffocated, so helpless by the anxiety that you are experiencing that it affects your ability to function normally. When anxiety seems constant and overwhelming in its occurrence than its classified as an anxiety disorder. In this article we look to have a better understanding about anxiety as well as its treatment methods including the use of 5mg Xanax.
Types of anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorder can be further classified as
GAD or generalized anxiety disorde
This anxiety disorder is characterized by feelings of excessive fear over topics that would usually cause no reaction from anyone else.
Panic disorde
When patients experience sudden and constantly recurring feelings of terror or a panic attack then its symptomatic of a panic disorder.
Social anxiety disorde
If routine social situations is causing you to be excessively self conscious and anxious then its symptomatic of a social anxiety disorder.
Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder in which people experience overwhelming feelings of fear caused by particular incident or object
Symptoms of anxiety disorde
Feeling panicky
Shortness of breath
Heart palpitations
Muscle pain
Hot and cold flashes
Dizziness and nausea
How to deal with an anxiety disorder?
Dealing with anxiety disorders is not just about using generic xanax medications all the time. In fact anti-anxiety medications dont improve the cause of your anxiety one bit merely providing a dulling of the symptoms. So in addition to medication its important to add therapy and relaxation techniques like yoga or guided medication to help you deal with chronic anxiety.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
This type of therapy has been proven to be greatly successful in helping patients deal with their anxiety symptoms on a long term basis. Lets look at some of the CBT techniques helped by experienced professionals to help patients of anxiety disorders
Firstly motivating you to identify which anxieties are positive and which are not.
Teaching you ignore your anxieties and instead focus on eliminating the problem that is the cause of your anxiety
Teaching relaxation techniques like meditation and muscle relaxation to help deal with the symptoms of severe anxiety.
Alprazolam is very popularly prescribed to patients dealing with severe anxieties. Alprazolam is extremely fast acting and provides reduction in anxiety by enhancing the GABA activity in the central nervous system. However the problem with xanax pills is that it can be relied on for long periods due to the fact that its strongly addictive. So addiction and overdose can result from excessive alprazolam consumption.
About the Author: Daniel Mathew is working as medical consultant at
. It is specialist in selling anxiety medication like Xanax Pills etc.For more :
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