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Submitted by: Blake Maxted
It is said that the backbone of any developing nation is its infrastructure system. This is why we can easily see modern airports, tunnels, railways, highways, and so on, in developing nations. Given this fact, it is reasonable to say that the people behind these establishments are very important members of the society, and they are civil engineers. If you are thinking of getting a degree in civil engineering, here are the reasons you should look forward to your future job:
Steady Demand for Graduates of Civil Engineering
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were around 287,400 civil engineering jobs as of 2008. Almost half of these civil engineers were employed in companies that specialize in engineering, architecture and other related work. The others, meanwhile, are either working for government agencies handling public facilities or engaging in their own businesses in construction.
As you can imagine, it is very unlikely that the construction of buildings and other important structures will end. Also, it will always be necessary that the existing facilities, both private and public, be maintained properly. Considering all these, the demand for civil engineers will not disappear nor even go down. In other words, the great demand for civil engineers can be reflected by the nations’ and companies’ need to expand and modernize.
Many Types of Expertise
One good thing about taking a civil engineering degree is that you will get the chance to choose among various field of specialization. Most of the time, actually, a student can decide which field to specialize in according to what he is interested in. These are your options you will have if you choose to proceed to a specialization course: construction, water resources, transportation, structural engineering, and geotechnical engineering. Your options actually don’t end in these areas. After graduating from a civil engineering school, you may go on to be a researcher or a teacher perhaps. In other words, civil engineers do not necessarily stay in the field, as there are administrative positions available to them as well.
Fast Increase of the Engineering Industry
Every nation or society that is aiming to develop and advance would need to undergo massive transformations, including the improvement of their infrastructure systems. What this means is that with the number of countries now just starting to liberate themselves to welcome modernization, there will surely be a need for a civil engineer is almost every part of the world. In other words, as a civil engineer, you can be confident that your skills and expertise will always be a commodity that is consistently in demand.
High Earnings for Civil Engineers
Considering the huge demand for this type of job, it isn’t hard to imagine how good the salary can be. In general, the more valuable and relevant a profession or job is in the society, the higher salary it should be given. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that a person who has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering has the potential to earn at least $52,048 a year. There is no question that this amount is huge, which is why it is the highest among other college courses.
If you think you can be successful in this field of engineering, you have to realize also that it may take a lot to be successful in this industry. Of course the salary benefits are really attractive, but you need to know that there is nothing so simple about working as a civil engineer. But with the right resources and the right choice of civil engineering school, you will certainly reach your goal of becoming a famous and successful civil engineer.
About the Author: Engineering graduates are currently earning the highest starting salaries of any industry. Schools now offer lower cost education options.
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